What is RoxArcade?

Over the years I’ve tried my hand at building some basic games and visual novels based on the world of RoxErotique. And I can tell you from experience,
making games is NOT easy…
But it IS fun!
I’ve bounced around a few different styles over time using different gaming engines, even tried learning Unreal Engine at one point! (although with the kind of games I’m making that felt like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut) and in the end I’ve taken to RenPy quite well, enjoying the Visual Novel format of my games and finding the skills overlap very well with my particular style of render art.
and so to that end… take a look below at some of the samples and descriptions
Then follow the links to my Itch.Io account where you can download the demos for FREE!


E.U.F.C. (short for Erotic Underground Fight Club) is a visual novel narrated by me!
You play as a young couple taking their first tentative steps into the sordid world of underground sex-fights…
Put HOW that plays out? Is up to you.
Will you play as Jasmine? Or as Bruno?
Will you be a Jobber? a Heel? Or would you prefer a more competitive experience?
Will you fight against cis women? Trans Women? Men?
Each decision will greatly affect and can lead to a LOT of different outcomes…


Moving to a new town and making a fresh start in life is never easy, but for Aiden? Things looked to be really turning around.
His new landlady was fantastic, his new job was rewarding, and it felt like everyone in this town would go out of their way to help him get settled. Such a delightful little suburbia!
It never once occurred to him that things might not be what they seem…
So the day he came home to find his landlady and his boss naked and beating the crap out of each other was QUITE the eye opener.
Under the polite, gentle surface there be monsters… And they all plan on using HIM for their sordid games of sexual domination and political point scoring.